
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Curious Girl Stood Up In The Rain Podcast

Have you ever been stood up?  Sucks doesn't it?  But you should always be careful how you treat people because you never know. It's a small world.  Sometimes things come back around! It's terrible when you get excited, take the time to get ready, prep, pick out an outfit and someone stands you up.  Funny side to this story is another girl he was seeing reached out to me, by complete accident and we began to compare notes.  Turns out the guy I was supposed to meet didn't even live in the state (as represented), and was living with his ex-wife and kids.  When he comes into the state he stays on someone's couch.  As bummed as I was about being stood up and having my time wasted it looks like I dodged a bullet!.  This stand up in the rain was truly a blessing in disguise.

The Curious Girl Chemistry Podcast

Have you ever met someone and thought "yes" this definitely my type? Your physical type, you are mentally attracted to them, you have the same values..... basically you are hitting on all cylinders.  Everything is lining up and you finally get into bed together and you have very little chemistry.  Why does this happen? It's so disappointing! This has happened only a handful of times but it still boggles my mind.  What is chemistry anyways and why is it so elusive? What is it that makes two people connect and react? It goes the other way too..... someone you think you are not attracted to and you end up having crazy chemistry with. Ho do you put your finger on it?